
   There aren’t enough of those kinds of mad ones these days. Not on the screen, the stage, the page, or the gallery walls. Instead, watch the 2)bowing down to fame, money, and power, the 3)capitulation to status. So rarely do we witness a young artist, singer, or actor who wants to burn, burn, burn, to 4)set off on a new path that will inspire future generations, but who is also willing to suffer the rod that comes with saying no to things as they are.
  One is Kristen Stewart, the 5)restless 22-yearold actress best known to tens of millions of fans as Bella Swan, 6)offbeat heroine of the Twilight series. But Stewart will 7)ingrain herself even deeper in the public’s consciousness in 2012 as she appears in a trio of movies, beginning with 8)wham-bam Snow White & the Huntsman and continuing with an adaptation of the 9)hipster bible On the Road. Topping them all, at least at the box office, will be this November’s grand Twilight finale, Breaking Dawn 2.
  Stewart certainly isn’t the first performer to 10)take issue with the sideshow that comes with Hollywood success, but she’s definitely the least afraid young female superstar to be so outspokenly critical of the system. “I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph,” she says. “I’m not embarrassed about it. I’m proud of it. If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, ‘What an actress! What a faker!’ That thought embarrasses me so much that I look like a mess in half my photos, and I don’t give a damn. What matters to me is that the people in the room leave and say, ‘She was cool. She had a good time. She was honest.’”
  One might think Stewart would 11)be down with the package-oriented ways of the entertainment business, since she’s a homegrown Hollywood product. Her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is a respected 12)script supervisor. Kristen’s father, John Stewart, is also in the business, having worked as a producer and stage manager on TV 13)specials and reality shows. Her brother, Cameron, is a grip—a lighting and 14)rigging technician.
  Stewart, growing up in the 15)San Fernando Valley, learned the 16)drill about a life in film and TV early. In fact, Kristen’s earliest stabs at jobhunting were a misery. “I wasn’t doing anything but smiling for the camera,” she remembers of trying out for commercials when she was eight. In 2001, at age nine, she snagged a “tomboy type” role in Rose Troche’s movie The Safety of Objects. A few other roles followed in projects that failed to reach much of an audience.
  Then came her big break: 17)David Fincher’s Panic Room, released in 2002, in which Stewart, then 11, had a lead role, opposite 18)Jodie Foster. Foster remembers, “Kristen was incredibly mature in some ways and 19)grounded and very calm under pressure. She was an incredible listener, but then she’d say something so child-like that you’d be like, That’s right—she’s only 11.”
  All that awareness and independence made for some tough years in school; at 14, Stewart officially quit and signed on for home-schooling. “I hated school so much,” she says with a shudder. “Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother’s clothes, dude! Not like I cared that much, but I remember being made fun of, because I wasn’t wearing 20)Juicy jeans. I didn’t even think about it. I wore my gym clothes. But it’s not like I didn’t care that they made fun of me. It really bothered me. I remember this girl in sixth grade looked at me in gym and was like, ‘Oh my God! That’s 21)disgusting—you don’t shave your legs!’ ”  It was 22)Sean Penn who suggested to Catherine Hardwicke, the director of the first Twilight movie, that she give Stewart a shot. The director signed on because she believed in Stewart’s ability to 23)embody the feelings of longing that drive the original book.
  Stewart was fully engaged on set. She is open about the creative tensions that developed. “Me and Rob got into a lot of trouble,” she told me with a smile. “We wanted it to be not so 24)polished. Catherine was all for that. But we were getting notes from the studio. They wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob to be not so 25)brooding. We were like, ‘No! You need to brood your ass off.’ ” A worldwide box-office take of almost$400 million certainly proved that the audience was ready for an unsmiling Bella and a brooding Edward. The fact that emotionally involved fans have taken the films so personally has only increased the sense of responsibility Stewart already felt to her character, to the point where Bill Condon, the director of the last two 26)installments, affectionately calls her the “Twilight-book Nazi,” because of her commitment to staying faithful to the novels.
  I asked Stewart when she fully realized that Twilight had changed her life. “You can Google my name and one of the first things that comes up is images of me sitting on my front 27)porch smoking a pipe with my ex-boyfriend and my dog. It was [taken] the day the movie came out. I was no one. I was a kid. I had just turned 18. In [the 28)tabloids] the next day it was like I was a 29)delinquent 30)slimy idiot, whereas I’m kind of a weirdo, creative 31)Valley Girl who smokes pot. Big deal. But that changed my daily life instantly. I didn’t go out in my underwear anymore.”
  A different side of this fearlessness is what makes Stewart’s performance in On the Road so memorable. When director Walter Salles decided to take on 32)Kerouac’s 1957 novel, he set himself an unusually hard task, because the text—about a group of young people trying to escape the 33)conformity of their time. Stewart made sure she knew her stuff before filming started, spending hours talking to the daughter of LuAnne Henderson, 34)Neal Cassady’s first wife and Marylou’s real-life 35)counterpart.
  A few days after we’d had lunch together in Paris, I watched On the Road with Stewart. I was almost glad, because watching the movie had been such an 36)intimate experience—which is, of course, the power of the film, but still.

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