




Abstract: Although Vanuatu as an island country in Southern Pacific is a key geographical point in the southern branch of “The Road and Belt,” English literature produced there has never attracted any academic attention from Chinese scholars. With cultural memory as the pointcut for the poems by Albert Leomala, an attempt made in this paper is to make an exploration into how Albert Leomala, as a poet in deep concern about aboriginal people’s cultural identity, brings the anti-colonism construction of cultural memory into being for reviving the cultural memory of aboriginal people and resolving the crisis of aboriginal people’s cultural identity. The study suggests that, by reminiscing about the past, surveying the present and building the future, the poet has spared no effort to bring the aboriginal tribes into the awareness of how they had lost the religious belief of their own in the past and the close observation of how they had been suffering from the varieties of cultural identity crises while the traditional culture has been eliminated out of the land by colonialism, on the basis of which Albet Leomala systematically reconstructed the cultural memory of aboriginal tribes by producing a large number of text as the cultural carriers for the renaissance of traditional culture.

Key words: Vanuatu; Albert Leomala; English poetry; cultural memory; anticolonialism

Author: Duan Xiaoli serves at Jiayang School of Zhejiang Shuren University (Hangzhou, 310015, China). Her major academic interests include literary geography, spatial poetics and cultural memory. E-mail: d20140606lily@163.com

瓦努阿圖①是南太平洋地区与我国建交的八个国家之一,也是“一带一路”南线的重要地理空间②,研究该国之文学无疑有利于“一带一路”之“民心相随”工程的有力推进。瓦努阿图自18世纪初就逐渐遭受西方国家的殖民主义侵略,尤其是1906年10月沦为英法两国的联合殖民地之后,该岛国生产了大量有关反殖民主义的英语文学。作为非英美国家英语文学的一部分,瓦努阿图英语文学在我国也一直处于极其边缘的位置。截止2018年3月1日,我们以“瓦努阿图”等相关词语为搜索词,在“中国知网”上进行检索,结果却发现,国内还没有任何有关该国英语文学的研究性文章。瓦努阿图土著作家的英语作品更是无人问津。众所周知,随着二战的结束,一股宗教般狂热的反殖民主义运动迅速而持续地在全球各个殖民地国家推进(Ellerman 1),为了应和时代的政治语境,南太平洋地区慢慢兴建了一些旨在提升土著青年西方文化认同的大学。然而,一部分极富民族忧患意识的土著青年并没有因此沦为西方殖民主义的爪牙。相反,在文化素质得到提升后,为了启迪民智,他们拿起手中的笔,用英语创作出大量反殖民主义的文学作品,其中也包括许多英语诗歌。瓦努阿图在这一特殊历史时期生产出的诗歌不仅见证了反殖民主义运动的时代潮流,也反映了诗人们对土著族群在过去如何失去自我文化而造成的当下文化身份问题的思考,更在言语之间向土著民众发起了重构民族传统文化的呼吁。本文以文化记忆为研究切入点,以瓦努阿图著名诗人艾伯特·莱奥玛拉(Albert Leomala)在殖民时期创作的英语诗歌为研究对象,力图在英语诗歌的文本细读中梳理和建构诗人如何通过诗歌重构民族文化记忆的策略。

推荐访问:太平洋 英语 殖民 之歌 诗歌