海盗的宝藏是真的吗 [海盗的宝藏]

  Peter likes to read the stories about treasure hunting*. One night, Peter had a dream. In the dream, Peter met a pirate. The pirate told him how to find a treasure.
  There is a treasure box in your yard*. It’s ten steps* from the porch* and twenty steps from the rose bushes*... 在你家院子里有个藏宝箱。就在距离走廊十步、距离玫瑰花丛二十步的地方……
  The next day, Peter woke up*. He could remember* the dream clearly. So he took a spade* and went to the yard. He walked ten steps from the porch and made a mark*. Then he walked twenty steps from the rose bushes and made a mark, too.
  Ha ha, the treasure box must be here! I’ll dig it up*. 哈哈,藏宝箱一定在这儿了!我要把它挖出来。
   Peter dug* and dug. He dug a deep* hole*, but he didn’t see the treasure box. So he kept on* digging. The hole got deeper and deeper*.
  Peter was very tired. He stopped digging and began to look for the treasure box. But he could only find a dog bone*.
  But when Peter’s mother saw the deep hole, she was very happy. She always wanted to plant a peach tree in the yard, but she could not dig a deep hole.

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