



中图分类号: TP301.6


Abstract: In view of the important nodes (including overlapping nodes, central nodes and outlier nodes) in overlapping community and the inherent overlapping community structure discovery problem, a new symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm was proposed. First, the sum of the error approximation and the asymmetric penalty term was used as the objective function. Then the algorithm was derived by using the principle of gradient update and the nonnegative constraint conditions. Simulation experiments were carried out on five real networks. The results show that the proposed algorithm can find the important nodes of the actual networks and their inherent community structures. The average conductance and the algorithms execution time of the community discovery results are better than those of Community Detection with Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (CDNMF) method; the weighted average of the accuracy and recall rates harmonic mean value shows that the proposed method is more suitable for the large databases.

Key words: complex network; overlapping community; community discovery; symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization; adjacency matrix



关于非重叠社区发现方法已经有很多种,如基于模块度函数优化的社区发现方法[9-10]、基于概率模型的社区发现方法[11-12]、基于聚类算法的社区发现方法[13-14]、基于生物智能算法的社区发现方法[15-16]等。对于真实网络中常见的重叠社区结构,因为这些重叠节点在不同社区之间起着桥梁作用,在社区中发挥着重要作用,于是,重叠社区发现成了近年来研究的热点。最早的重叠社区发现算法是Palla等[17]提出的基于完全子图的派系过滤算法,很快,不少研究者对派系过滤算法进行改进,如Kumpula等[18] 在派系过滤算法基础上提出了一种快速团渗透算法,Farkas等[19]对派系过滤算法进行扩展,使得可以针对有向网络和加权网络的重叠社区发现,等等。

非负矩阵分解(Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, NMF)是机器学习中一种特征提取和降维的方法,近年来被用于社区发现。如Wang等[20]提出了将非负矩阵分解分别用于无向网络、有向网络和混合网络的社区发现,但没考虑重叠社区发现问题; Psorakis等[21]基于传统的NMF模型可按一定的方法进行重叠社区的发现,但分解后的非负矩阵因子的元素不能直接解释为各节点属于某个社区的标识,要结合其他聚类算法才能划分社区;Zhang等[22]基于带约束的NMF能对有向网络和无向网络进行重叠社区的发现;

推荐访问:矩阵 重叠 对称 分解 发现