



Title: Cultural Quality in English Translation of The Confucian Analects from the Perspective of “Sublimity”

Abstract: Sticking to sublimity is a starting point in the translation of The Confucian Analects, a classic book of Chinese culture. The western missionaries from the 17th to the 19th centuries had used the terms and concepts of Christianity to translate The Confucian Analects; they had not meant to Christianize it. On the contrary, they had tried to stick to “sublimity” in their translations, and elevate their cultural quality. However, since The Confucian Analects is a classic book which came out two thousand years ago, there have existed disputes in the interpretation of some of its phrases and sentences, and the interpretation affects the depth and breadth of a translator’s comprehension towards the book, and thus higher or lower cultural qualities may find their ways in different translated versions.

Key words: sublimity; English Translation of The Confucian Analects; cultural quality

Author: Xie Yanming is professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (Wuhan, 430073, China). His major academic interests include English poetry and translation. Email: xieyanming@126.com


追求“崇高”既是作者的,也是译者的天性和使命。什么是“崇高”?朗吉努斯(Longinus, 213-273)认为“崇高”是“高尚精神的回声”(Longinus 109),其特征是“无限性(大)、非形式性和陌生性,……令人崇敬”(张世英 53)。他认为作品为了达到令人崇敬的效果,必须具备五个因素:“形成伟大思想的能力,强烈而受激动的情感,运用修辞的技巧,高雅的措辞,庄严而又高贵的结构”(张中载 96)。朗吉努斯认为这五者中最重要的、最根本的是第一个。作為一个唯理主义者,他论述“崇高的哲学基础是上帝,神是世界的本体,是绝对的善,绝对的美,是纯粹的智慧和理性”(田英华 157)。也就是说,“崇高”就是“无限性”地接近“上帝”,接近“绝对的善,绝对的美”。《论语》无疑是影响中国社会历史发展最为深刻的书之一。它具有伟大的思想、庄严的行文、说服力极强的修辞和措辞,以及感人的情感,也是中文翻译成外文最多的典籍之一。西方的《论语》翻译史接近400年,译本超过60余种,其中以英译本数量最多,影响最大。西方首部刊印的《论语》译本,是由比利时耶稣会士柏应理(Philippe Couplet, 1623-1693)等人用拉丁语完成的,其书名为《中国哲学家孔子,或以拉丁语表述中国人的智慧》(Confucius sinarum philosophus, sive Scientia sinensis latine exposita), 1687年出版于法国巴黎(姜哲 43)。1691年出现了英译本,从法语版转译成。随后,便涌现了一批真正意义的英译本及知名译者,如英国新教传教士马士曼(Joshua Marshman, 1768-1837)、高大卫(David Collie, ?-1828),马士曼的《论语》可能是第一个英语全译本。其他著名的外国英译者还有理雅各(James Legge, 1818-1897)、詹宁斯(William Jennings, 1847-1927)、苏慧廉(William Edward Soothill, 1861-1935)、威妥玛(Thomas Francis Wade, 1818-1895)、翟林奈(Lionel Giles, 1875-1958),等等。华人《论语》译者队伍有辜鸿铭、刘殿爵、许渊冲等。中外译者在面对这部庄严的著作时都怀有敬畏之心,把“崇高”作为自己的翻译使命,力求译文“无限性”地接近原文,接近原文所表达出来的至善至美,追求原文所反映的至高的文化品格(cultural quality),尽力为读者提供“崇高”的译本。然而,译者对原文的“崇高”内涵理解不同,角度不同,译本的文化品格不一致。

推荐访问:论语 品格 崇高 视角 英译