【末日狂想:世界灭亡的N种方式】 末日一男N女小说

  Black Holes 黑洞
  Stars collapse on an almost daily basis. When a massive star collapses, it produces an immense gravitational pull along the way, drawing everything in its path—including light—toward its core, like a giant vacuum cleaner from which there"s no escape. While black holes sit at the center of most galaxies, including our own, the real danger comes from a discovery made in the year 2000. "We now have conclusive evidence," physicist Michio Kaku told ABC News, "that there are wandering black holes—nomads1), renegades2)—and right next to us in our own galaxy." How long until one of these nomads bumps into Earth? No one is sure, and it"s a big universe, but everyone agrees that it"s going to happen sooner or later.
  Nanotech 纳米技术
  What if the programming of billions of tiny self-replicating robots—nanobots—suddenly went awry3)? And instead of doing the job for which they were built, they started consuming all matter on Earth—while building more of themselves? In his 1986 book, Engines of Creation, nanotech pioneer Eric Drexler describes it this way: "Imagine such a replicator floating in a bottle of chemicals, making copies of itself.... The first replicator assembles a copy in one thousand seconds, the two replicators then build two more in the next thousand seconds, the four build another four, and the eight build another eight. At the end of ten hours, there are not thirty-six new replicators, but over 68 billion. In less than a day, they would weigh a ton; in less than two days, they would outweigh Earth; in another four hours, they would exceed the mass of Sun and all the planets combined."
  Supervolcanoes are a bit like Mount Saint Helens on steroids4). The explosion of such a giant volcano would pump enough ash and sulfuric acid5) into the atmosphere to blot out6) the sun and bring on a sequel to the ice age—and no, we don"t mean another one of those animated movies. Scientists calculate that 71,500 years ago, a Sumatran supervolcano exploded, plunging7) Earth into a decade-long volcanic winter, the effects of which reduced the total human population to less than 10,000 individuals. Worse, Sumatra"s is just one of six known supervolcanoes. Another, the largest in the world, is at Yellowstone National Park. Unfortunately, scientists have discovered that Yellowstone"s erupts roughly once every 600,000 years, with the last explosion occurring 630,000 years ago—meaning we"re a little overdue.   超级火山有点类似于加强版的圣海伦斯火山。体型如此庞大的超级火山爆发后会向空中喷射大量火山灰和硫酸,尘埃遮天蔽日,地球又回到冰河时期——别想错了,我们可不是在说那一系列动画影片中的又一部。科学家们推测,7.15万年前,苏门答腊岛的一座超级火山爆发,地球由此陷入一个长达十年的“火山冬季”,致使世界总人口数量锐减至不足一万。更糟糕的是,苏门答腊岛的这座超级火山仅是已知的六座超级火山中的一座。另外一座(也是地球上最大的)超级火山位于美国的黄石国家公园。不幸的是,科学家们业已发现,黄石公园的这座超级火山大约每隔60万年就爆发一次,而上一次爆发是在63万年前——也就是说,我们有些滞后了。
  Loss of Biodiversity 生物多样性丧失
  Currently, life on Earth is dying as never before. One quarter of all mammals now face extinction, while 90 percent of the large fish are already gone. If present trends continue, one-half of Earth"s animal species will have vanished within a hundred years. According to a warning issued by UN officials at the 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity, so dependent are humans on the services of plants and animals that unless this loss of biodiversity is halted, humans will likely join this list of extinctions.
  Alien Invasion 外星人入侵
  It"s a big universe and statistically we"re probably not alone in it. So what happens if visitors from outer space do show up? Well, they could come in peace or they could be here sport hunting or wanting our resources or carrying diseases to which we have no immunity—each of which could spell doom for the human race. And if these advanced invaders treat us anything like humans treat other cultures—well, the prognosis8) is decidedly bad.
  Near-Earth Objects 近地天体
  Ever since scientists figured out that it was the impact of an asteroid9) 10 kilometers wide that wiped out the dinosaurs, they"ve been hunting the skies for species-ending space rocks. An estimated 90 percent of these 3200-foot-long big boys have been found, although none pose immediate danger. But we"ve barely begun drawing our map of the smaller rocks and therein lies the real problem. In 1908, an asteroid less than 40 meters wide exploded over Siberia, leveling forests for hundreds of square miles. If that had happened above New York, well, goodbye Gotham10).
  1. nomad [?n??m?d] n. 流浪者
  2. renegade [?ren?ɡe?d] n. 叛徒
  3. go awry: (事)出岔子,失败
  4. on steroids: 以一种更强大或更极端的形式
  5. sulfuric acid: 【化】硫酸
  6. blot out: 遮蔽
  7. plunge [pl?nd?] vt. 使突然陷入(或遭受) (into, in)
  8. prognosis [pr?ɡ?n??s?s] n. 预测
  9. asteroid [??st?r??d] n. 【天】小行星
  10. Gotham [?ɡ?θ?m] n. (美国)纽约市

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