
  Mandela served more than 27 years in prison since 1962 because he put forward12 that “All men and women are created equal”. During the difficult years of his imprisonment(关押) in Robben Island prison(罗本岛监狱), thanks to his own patience, humor and tolerance13, he seemed freer than the men who kept him in prison, locked up as they were in their own prejudices14. He never stopped studying in any kind of situation. Instead, he studied his master degree, learned drawing, and wrote books in prison. Indeed, his warders15 were among those who came to admire him most.
  In 1994, Mandela was elected as the President of South Africa. Under his leadership, Africa finally realized its liberation(解放). A new South Africa was set up with equality(平等)and freedom and it achieved a political and economic transition(过渡)peacefully, which was acknowledged16 as the miracle17 in development by the international society. South Africa changed successfully from a dirty, underdeveloped, and unimportant country to an equal “rainbow nation”where every one respects to each other no matter what color he is.
  rainbow nation:“彩虹之国”。曼德拉总统在上任的第一个月正式提到“彩虹之国”。他宣布:“我们每个人都无比珍视这个魅力国家的土壤,因为它孕育了比勒陀利亚著名的紫楹花树、布什维尔德的含羞草树。这将是一个自身与世界都和平的彩虹之国。”南非的国旗有红、绿、蓝、白、黑、黄6种不同的颜色,它是种族隔离悲剧之后象征希望的一座灯塔,也代表着更光明的未来和所有南非人的希望。

推荐访问:曼德拉 南非 而战 民主