
Ⅰ.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案.(15分)
Taking Pictures or Taking Notes? In a class last December, I wrote some directions on the blackboard for students about their final examination. 1 young girl quickly took a picture of the board using her smart phone. When I looked in her direction, she apologized, “ 2 . Was it wrong to take a picture? ““I can’t read my own handwriting,“she 3 . “ Its best if I take a picture of your writing so I can understand the notes.“ Those words started a heated discussion about taking a picture 4 taking notes. Some took pictures of notes because they knew their phone was a safe place to store material. They might lose paper, they thought, but they 5 lose their phones. Some took photos because they wanted to record 6 what had been written on the blackboard. Others told me that during class, they would like to 7 the discussion carefully. Taking notes would distract(使...分心)them from important information. It may be 8 to use cameras as note takers. Yet it does 9 some questions about the classroom. Is a picture an effective replacement for the 10 of note-taking? Teachers encourage students to take notes because the 11 of doing so is more than merely recording necessary information. It 12 prepare the way of understanding. Encouraging students to take notes seems to be an old-fashioned teaching method. But a method 13 a long history doesn’t mean it’s out of date. Writing things down makes a student’s 14 take an active part in class, according to a study. The act of writing down information enables a person to begin keeping it in mind, and to process and combine it. Taking a picture does record the information. 15 it deletes some of the necessary mental involvement(参与)
that note-taking is rich in. So can the two be equally effective? 1.A. That B.One C. Some D.Each 2. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Fine D. Sure 3. A. wondered B.explained C. shouted D.advised 4. A. at least B. as for C.rather than D. instead of 5. A. couldn't B. mustn't C. wouldn't D. shouldn't 6. A. exactly B. politely C.early D. mostly 7. A. look for B. help out C. hold on D. listen to 8.A. strange B. difficult C. convenient D.enjoyable 9. A. raise B.answer C. pass D. match 10. A. power B. point C. process D. program 11. A. step B.act C. rest D. date 12.A.causes B.means C. needs D. helps 13.A.in B. with C.by D. for 14. A.body B heart C. brain D. spirit 15. A. However B. Since C. Anyway D. Although Ⅱ.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(10分)
The Swedish carmaker Volvo announced that it would only make electric cars by 2030. Volvo is known as a Swedish carmaker, but it’s been owned by a Chinese company since 2010. Volvo is the second large car company to say it will stop making traditional engines (发动机). In January, American carmaker General Motors said it would only make electric cars by 2035. Henrik Green is Volvo’s chief technology officer. He said: “there is no long-term future” for cars with traditional engines. If you want to buy one of these Volvos in about nine years, you will have to make your order online. However, the Volvo stores will remain in place so customers can look at cars and have them repaired. Volvo said it planned to show a new electric car. The company hopes that within four years, half of its sales around the world will come from electric cars. The other half will come from cars known as hybrids (混合动力). Hybrid cars use both batteries (电池) and traditional engines to move the car. Green said the move to electric cars would help Volvo “meet the expectations of our customers and fight air pollution”. As technology improves and governments try to cut down pollution, more carmakers like Volvo are increasing production of electric cars. However, Americans continue to buy more cars powered by traditional engines. Only about two percent of the cars sold last year in the U.S. were electric. Around the world, about 2-and-a-half million electric cars were sold last year and industry analysts (分析师) expect that to increase by 70 percent in 2021. Volvo sold about 660,000 cars worldwide last year. One-sixth of the company’s sales came in the U.S. 1.The carmaker Volvo belongs to a (an) ________ company now. A.Swedish B.German C.Chinese D.American 2.Why will Volvo stop making traditional cars? Because ________. A.electric cars are easier to make B.customers will prefer electric cars C.traditional cars make less money D.General Motors will make electric cars 3.Which statement is true according to the passage? A.Traditional cars will not be bought in nine years. B.Electric cars and hybrids cars make no air pollution. C.Volvo is the first to announce to stop making traditional cars. D.Hybrids cars are powered by batteries and traditional engines. 4.________ cars were more popular in the U.S. last year. A.The hybrid B.The traditional C.The electric D.The battery 5.According to the industry analysts, how many electric cars will be sold in 2021? A.About 250,000 B.About 430, 000 C.About 660,000 D.About 700,000 Ⅲ.选词填空(5分) B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空,有的需要加不定式符号(每词限用一次)。

know live do grow move Is a nearby neighbor better than a far away cousin? An American lady, Anna Lane, believes it’s true. Mrs. Lane was 75 years old. She 1 alone in a city in Texas, US. The woman could do a lot of housework by herself. However, she was too old to mow (修剪) her lawn (草坪).Then a big trouble found her. She let the grass 2 over 18 inches high and it broke the law in her city. As a result, she was in danger of paying lots of money or even going to prison (监狱)! Luckily, her neighbors, the Adams brothers, heard the news about her on TV. They decided 3 something to help. “We 4 her for years. She needs some help,” said Sam Adams, one of the boys. “That’s the least we could do.” The Adams brothers took their mowers (修剪机) and came to Mrs. Lane’s house to mow her lawn without telling her. The hard work was finished quickly. When Mrs. Lane saw what her neighbors did for her, she 5 by them. Ⅳ.七选五 阅读根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分) Have you ever done housework? Most of us probably answer, “No, never.” Most of us think cleaning the bathroom or cooking is boring. However the fact is that someone has to do it. 1__________________. 2____________________However if we all do some housework, it will seem less annoying. Why should your mother wash your dirty dishes? Part of growing up is being able to take care of yourself. Please do a few things! Some of us may think that we are so busy that we can’t do housework. But most parents work all day and are then expected to keep a clean house! 3__________________It seems much better to have three or more people together keep the house clean. 4__________________It can be very fun if you are creative. Learning how to cook a meal is a great skill. If you learn how to cook your favorite food, you will show others that you have a very special talent. Don’t be afraid to help around the house, your parents will greatly like it. The next time you see something that needs to be done at home, do it yourself and show that you can do anything! 5_______________________.It helps you to understand the idea of fairness. A.Dividing housework among the whole family will make everyone’s job easier. B.Most of the time our parents end up doing housework. C.Let’s take cleaning the room as an example. D.Doing housework is really not as good as it sounds. E.Cooking is one part of housework. F.Don’t do housework at home. G.Anyway, doing housework is not so difficult. Ⅴ.书面表达:

Monday 10:30 — 11:00a.m. visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital Tuesday 2:00 — 4:00p.m. swimming class Wednesday 12:00 — 6:00p.m. part-time job Thursday 10:30 — 11:30a.m. swimming class Friday 11:00a.m. go to the airport to meet Sam Saturday 10:00 — 12:00a.m. meet Dave to study for the test Sunday 5:00 — 7:00p.m. birthday party for Kate 1. Who is ill in hospital? _____________________________________________________________ 2. How often does John have the swimming class? _____________________________________________________________ 3. How many hours does John do his part-time job a week? _____________________________________________________________ 4. Where does John meet Sam? _____________________________________________________________ 5. What day does John have a birthday party for Kate? _____________________________________________________________ 答案 完形填空:1-5.BABDC 6-10.ADCAC 11-15.BDBCA 阅读理解:1-5.CBDBB 选词填空:1-5. was living / lived grow to do have known was moved 七选五:1-5.BDAEG 情景运用: 1. Uncle Peter is ill in hospital. 2. John has the swimming class twice a week. 3. John / He does the part-time job six hours a week. 4. John met Sam at the airport. 5. John/ He has a birthday party for Kate on Sunday.
