
 Teaching Plan for 8A Unit 6 Writing


  时间:2011 年 11 月 24 日 执教班级:初二(3)班

 地点:广州市美华中学电教室 教 教 学 目 标 知识与技能 掌握描写一个特定人物,并介绍其职业特征。

 过程与方法 本节课是写作课,一开始运用歌曲来预热学生,然后问一些学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,吸引学生的注意力和唤起他们的学习兴趣,接着采用竞赛形式来复习描述人的单词、短语和句型,然后按照文章的脉络引导学生从“词—句—段”先口头练习,然后水到渠成地进行写作训练,之后是师生共同合作完成作文讲评,最后布置作业。

 情感态度与价值观 通过真实的情景问答,口头作文等提高学生的交际能力。通过竞赛、讨论、故事接龙等使学生的合作精神和创造性思维得到体现,并在轻松愉快的学习气氛中体验到写作的乐趣。

 教 教 学 重、难点 重 点 指导学生掌握如何描写一个特定人物,并介绍其职业特征。

 难 点 帮助学生掌握如何描述人的职业特征。

 教 教 材 分 析

 本节课是 8A Unit6 Jobs 中的 Writing。在这节写作课之前,学生已在 Reading A和 Reading B 中了解了渔夫、宇航员、小丑等职业的特征及工作要求,在 Listening 部分了解了几个青少年父母的工作内容,Speaking 部分又讲到了如何描述一个人。本节写作课主要是要学生将前面学到的内容进行运用,让学生描写一个特定人物,并介绍其职业特征。

 学 学 情 分 析



 教 教 学 准 备 教学 PPT,学案。

 教 教 学 过 程 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1 Warming-up Step 2


 Step3 Competition

 Step 4 Oral Practice

 Get Ss listen to the song “Que Sera Sera”.

  Ask Ss some questions: (1) Do you enjoy the song ? (2)

 Boys, do you want to be handsome? (3) Girls, do you want to be pretty ?

 (4) Do you all want to be rich? (5) What must you do if you want to be rich?

 Divide the Ss into two groups to say as many words or phrases as they can to describe a person.

  1. Present a picture and lead the Ss to describe the film star together. 2. Present a picture of a teacher and get the Ss to describe the teacher.

  3. Let the Ss answer the question.

  Ss listen to the song and sing the song together.

  Ask the teacher’s questions.

 Ss say as many words or phrases as they can to describe a person.

  1. Try to describe the film star. 2. Describe the teacher. 3. Ss answer the question.

 3.Ss answer the question.

 Warm up the students.

  Lead in the topic about jobs and skills.

  Revise the key words and phrases to describe a person.

  1. Revise the key sentences to describe a person. 2. Let the Ss know how to describe a person. 3.Let the Ss know what their

  Step 5 Writing

  Step 6 Essay Commenting

  Step 7 Conclusion

 Step8 Homework

  4. Let the Ss discuss the questions “What does your teacher do? Where and how does she do her job? ”

 first and then describe the teacher’s job.

  Let the Ss write a short article about their teacher. (Two Ss come to write theirs on the blackboard.)

  1. Get the Ss to comment the articles written on the blackboard: Correct the mistakes, give proper

  marks. 2. Show “Sample Answer” to the Ss and let them compare and analyze the articles. 3. Let the Ss find out good sentences in the articles.

 Get the Ss to conclude how to write an article on describing a person with a job or skill.

  Arrange the homework.

  4. Discuss the questions and then describe the teacher’s job.

  Write an article. (Two Ss come to write theirs on the blackboard.)

 1. Ss comment the articles written on the blackboard: Correct the mistakes, give proper

  marks. 2. Ss compare and analyze the articles. 3. Find out good sentences in the articles and take notes. Try to conclude how to write an article on describing a person with a job or skill.

 Copy down the homework. teacher uses for their work. 4. Let the Ss know how to describe the teacher’s job.

 Let the Ss know how to write an article with a job or skill.

 1. Let the Ss know the evaluation standard of an article and know how to comment an article. 2.

 Let Ss accumulate some writing materials. 板 板 书 设 计



  The winner is : Group______



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