
Unit 4 Lesson 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs教案 一、教学目标 1、知识 (1)听懂会说单词 hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream (2)听懂句子What would you like? I’d like ________.并且要会在情境中应用。

2、能力 (1)能够听懂会说目标词汇,并会说重点句型。


3、情感 了解中西餐的相同和不同之处,了解西方人的饮食文化。

二、教学重点难点 (1)听懂会说hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream (2)听懂会说有关What would you like? I’d like _______. 三、教具学具 1、教具 (1)本课的相关图,幻灯片。

(2)hot dog, donut, ice cream, hamburger实物。


2、学具 实物卡片。

四、教学过程 Step1 warm up(1min) 歌曲热身并同时复习上节课内容 Let’s sing the song “ Delicious Food” Step2 Lead in(2min) Teacher shows that Today’s Song shanyi‘s birthday. Let’s have a small party for her. OK? Then Let’s go to the KFC to have a look. Teacher shows the Food Menue. T:What would you like? Would you like some milk? Step3、New Lesson(20min)
(1) New words(13min) 1.T: What’s this?(指hamburger) a- --am----ham ur---bur er--ger hamburger Phonics Teaching (自然拼带读) Ss: Hamburger.(学生可能读音不准,教师适当纠正。) T: Yes, it’s a hamburger.(Listen to the word)
Number PK(competition) 2.T: What’s that?(指hot dog) Phonics Teaching (自然拼带读) Number PK(competition) Ss: hot dog .(Listen and correct) 3.T: What’s this?(指donut) Phonics Teaching (自然拼带读) Ss: donut.((Listen and correct) Number PK(competition) 4.T: What’s that? (指ice cream) Ss: ice cream.(listen and practice) Number PK(competition) (2)Practice the words(hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream)(5min) Play games Game1 Choose the words and get the points Game2 words number Game3 choose the picture and the words in pair (3)
consolidation (2min) Listen and answer Jenny would like a ____ and some _______. Step4 Situational Teaching(分组任务)(15min) Bomb game to learn the sentences: What would you like ? I’d like........... 1, Teacher gives the task paper to talk about the favourite food ,2,Then chooose one pupil of each group to buy something in the KFC (第一课时只涉及买东西做对话,第二课时延续生日派对做对话) T: What would you like ? S: I’d like a hot dog and some ice cream. 3,Then Role play to celebrate the birthday (利用食物或包装盒表演, 老师与学生,学生与学生) Step5 Let’s Chant(2min) What would you like? Step6 Make a mini book(3min) After the task, let the students read the book. Step6 Homework
